Adam "Cain" Carver

Played by:
Scott Jaeck
Spouse(s) and Children:
a brother
Vietnam veteran who is a hermit now
Served in Vietnam. Was in love with a Vietnamiese girl by the name of Soo Li, who died when she was trying to get on the helicopter when Cain was going home and got hold of Cain`s hand and Cain didn`t have the strengt to hold her and she fell and died. He blames himself for the death of his soldiers. Cain was the captain. Cain then withdraw to the mountains at Utah and had lived there for many years alone until he founded Eden in the snow. He rescued her and nursed her back to health. Soon she had confided in her and fell in love with her. She held her hostage but one day she escaped and he followed her to Santa Barbara. At the Orient Express restaurant he took her hostage and hided her at the Abernathy Stables. Cruz founded then and shot Cain and he lost his memory. Eleanor has tried to kill him but failed. Cain is starting to remember a woman who came at him at a dark corridor. He remembers that Dr. Nikolas treated him at the war but Alex denies it, though he knows it is true. Cain was hiding so that nobody could find him so that he could remember. He remebered Elena and went after her. He was locked in a basement by Elena and when he got out he went to the Lazer Palace but by then it was to late, Elena was already dead. He also tried to find the man who Cruz heard in the room that killed Elena. That person turned out to be Alex Nikolas, her father. Then Cain met Andrea and fell in love though it was possible she was the fox, who had killed many people but luckly that turned out to be untrue. The fox was really a nurse at the hospital whom Cain went out with a couple of times. Then things became good for Cain, he got engaged to Andrea when suddenly Andrea found out that Soon Li had gotten a babygirl. They went together to find her and bring her to USA. Her name was Ming Li. She was a teenager and Cain had lot of trouble when Andrea and Ming Li kept fighting. Then even Andrea broke of the engagement. Ming Li tried to get Cain in bed when Kai found out the truth that she wasn�t Soon Li�s daughter. Just before Ming Li and Kai fled Major Hamilton (Kai�s boss) Ming Li told Cain the truth and an angry Cain rushed to Major with a gun and they faught. Cain found out that Soon Li and Major had been lovers. But then Cain didn�t shoot Major. Cruz then found out the truth when he went to see Cain and he was hurt and bleeding. Andrea broke up with Cain who tried to get her back but it was too late, at the mascarade, Andrea was murdered and Cain was destroyed over it. Then he got more upset as he became suspect for it and was even set up by the Major for it, luckyly he was cleared but after that he left town and Keith was very upset for it cause he hadn�t given promision to do that. Cain went back to the mountain alone.

Actor/Actress Bio


TV/Film Credits:
Filmography from the IMDb
FYI: Though he was born in Milwaukee, he was raised in the midwest. He began acting as a teenager but went then on to earn a college degree in architecture. He was in college for 4 wonderful years. After that he decided to follow his passion and persue a career in acting and became a veteran of Chicago theatre. He worked as a member of the renowned improvisation group "Second City" and appeared in numerous stage productions including "Sexual Perversity in Chicago" with Jim Belushi, and "Romeo and Juliet" with Tom Hulce. At the Goodman Theatre in Chicago he appeared in "Gallileo" with Brian Dennehy, and had the incredible experience of working with the eminent American playwright Tennessee Williams in the premiere of Williams`final play, "A House Not Meant To Stand". He made his Los Angeles theatrical dbeut at the Las Palmas Theatre in the controversialstage-play "The Normal Heart" with Richard Dreyfuss. Apart from "Santa Barbara" he has made guest appearances on the series "Hotel", "Remington Steele", "Twilight Zone", "Newhart", "TJ Hooker" and "L.A. Law". His motion pictures for television include "Hot Pursuit" and acclaimed "An Early Frost". He also acted in the feature film "Shadow Chasers". He has traveled in Europe, worked in a bank and driven a municipal bus. An avid athlete Scott`s favorite pastimes include both skiing and fishing. He has been seen on "The Pretender".

Updated: May 5, 1998
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