Main info

My name is Rina Goldberg. I live in Turku, Finland. I finished Turku Commercial College this spring and now I am looking for a job. I am 21 years old and single.

My Hobbies

My hobbies include watching TV, surfing on the net, listening to music and reading.

My favorite soaps are: Santa Barbara, Sunset Beach

As for the music, my favorite at the moment is Spicegirls.

A big hobby of mine is also to find information and photos about my favorite actors Lane Davies, Dylan Neal , Ross Kettle and Nick Kiriazis.

At the moment I am really into internet so keep on watching for changes on these pages.

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My favorite links

Different pages

Mary`s B&B Fan Page

Favorite actor/actresses

Katherine Kelly Lang
Katherine Kelly Lang

[email protected]
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