SB Letters

Here I will write down all the important letters and stuff like wills down.

Mason`s Will

I Mason Lamont Capwell, being in obscene mind and body, do here by make and declare this to be my last will in testament. To my stepmother Sophia, I leave my collection of rare books. I never propily thanked you but I am more gratefull than you know for all the nights you sat, read to me and for your great expectations. To my brother Ted, I will leave my blueships stocks and treasure classic 450SL (car). Put the top down and think of me when you drive up the pacific coast highway. To my sister Kelly, I leave my horse Lightning, because you understand the thrill of the race better than anyone. To my father, Channing Creighton Capwell , I leave (then CC starts remembering when after the Mason`s accident, he told Mason he was proud of him and told that loved him and he was speechless and they made up.) then the lawyer continues: And to Victoria Capwell, I leave 100 000 dollars to be put aside for Chips education. The remainder of my estate and all other holdings and posessions I leave to Julia Wainwright and our daughter Samantha. I love you both more than I was ever able to express, but I think you both knew that. (Lawyer tells also individual letters but not to Jeffrey and Pamela)

Mason`s letter to CC after his will been read

Dad, how do you write a lifetime into a letter? Funny how I�m finding the good memories a lot easier to remember than the bad, suppose I`ve got tired of bad ones. I`m sure you have too. Maybe the bottomline is that I was so afraid I could never be like you I convinced myself that I didn`t want to be and maybe you just gave up hope. I`m sorry we waisted so many years pretending that we hated eachother. I just want you to know that I always loved you. I just never had the guts to tell you how much. Mason.

Keith�s loveletter to Gina in 1988 when still engaged

Dear Gina, I want you to know that you are far and away the most exciting woman I�ve ever known. And I realize that sometimes it seems as though I don�t appreciate you but deep down I always do. The Thruth is the matter that you make everyday an adventure, a day being with you is like winning the lottery or keeping the worlds fastest rollercoaster in. I love the most about you is that everything you do for people you love like me and Brandon. And I feel honoured as you allow me to be a part of your life and I do promise to do everything in my power to make you as happy as you are now. Amen.

Andrea�s letter to Cain with the engagement ring on the top of the letter in 1988

I know you never ment to hurt me, the man I saw in the cabin yesterday wasn�t you. We both need some time. I�ve gone to San Diego to think things thru. I still love you Cain. If you need to reach me...

Cain tries to dictate a letter in 1988

Andrea, I�ve been sitting here trying to write you a letter and I don�t know how many more times I�ve tried, I just, I can�t put the words down on paper, or when I do they don�t seem right, they don�t make any sence, so I�m making this tape. I hope it�ll be easier. I never wanted things to end between us thru the way they did. I guess I just wasn�t ready for another relationship, I don�t know if I ever be, I�ve never, never really taken the time to deal with everything that�s happened to me in my past and when I have, it overwhelms me and I loose all sence of what�s right and what�s wrong and it fortunately you got caught in the middle of it. I wish I could reconsile the love I have for you, the joy I get from being around you, with the rage that I feel.. I�m sorry.. It�s oh, it�s not your fault, it�s mine and I mm, I mm... (Cain the destroys the tape)

Gina�s letter to Santa Claus in 1988

Dear Santa, I�m not writing this letter for myself. it�s for my son Brandon. Brandon wants his father back. He is really upset that Keith left. See we�ve really only been married for a few months, so I think Brandon feels cheated. Cause I feel a little cheated myself, but Brandon is the one I�m worried about, I don�t know what to do for him, he means me clear that toys are not important to him, as much as I love him, I�m not sure that�s enough, so if you happen to have a spear miracle floating around, Santa, I�d really apreciate if you can let Brandon have it and if you have been watching at all you you got to know he�s a great kid. Thanks for listening, my best for Mrs. Gina Timmons.

Letter from Arthur Donnelly to his daughter Heather in 1989

Dear Heather, after you told me yesterday that you and Scott have decided to get married, it suddenly hit me that you�re not my little girl anymore. I realize I was a fool not to have picked up on that before, but I suppose I have been a bit too stuborn to except it. Scott and I may not see eye to eye on a lot of things but there�s not a doubt in my mind that he is a good doctor and good man. I just hope he can bring you the happiness as your husband that I couldn�t as your father. You know I�ve bin a good time coming of wrong but I give you both my blessing. I love you, dad.

Letter from Celeste: in 1989

Dear Scott, This is just a quick letter to tell you that I have decided to leave the clinic. I�m gonna take that other job, I�m hoping that it�s gonna work out real well. I�m really sorry things had to fall apart here, it�s kind of funny how the past seems to get in the way even when we do our best not to let it. I guess Heather just couldn�t shake all those goasts. I wanna thank you for being such a great friend. I only wish Heather could have seen it just that and nothing more. She is a great person Scott, I guess she just didn�t trust enough. I wish you both the best of everything. with love Celeste.

Mason�s tries to dictate a letter to CC with the help of Lisa, he sends number 4. 1989

1Dear Dad, and regard to the matter we spoke of this morning, I�m affraid I will not be able to represent you in your custody battle for Brandon Capwell, beacause of my involvment with both the pleitant and the defendant, which could be viewed only as a conflict of interest...
2Dear dad, etc, etc,. I will not be able to represent you because of my personal feelings for the people involved...
3Dear dad, I will not be able to represent you cause I don�t feel that a child should be used as a pawn on a legal battle between adult...
4Dear Dad, In the regard to the matter we spoke of this morning, I will be happy to represent you in your custody battle for Brandon Capwell.

Birthday flowers to CC, from Paris in 1989

Happy Birthday to the world most wonderful father from worlds most sorriest we could be there daughters. We miss you very much, many happy returns and all our love to you and mom and everyone. Love Kelly and Eden. P.S. To Ted, be sure daddy home by 10 o�clock because he is too old to stay out late.

A letter from Eden in Paris in 1989

Dear Cruz, I know I talk to you almost everyday but this morning Kelly and I took a long walk along the Seine and I had so many vivid images of you being at my side. I miss you desperately. When I got home it was too early there for me to call so I had to write it down. It was so strange this morning, I could look across the river and see the two of us walking together hand in hand and when a boat would go by I could see us together on the boat. I guess it�s just because I miss you and love you so much. I don�t mean for this to put pressure on you as much on looking forward the time when we�re together again. I love you. Eden.

Cruzes letter to Eden that Sandra reads in secret 1989

My darling Eden. Your letter came today. I think that reason you look everywhere in Paris and see the two of us together is that i�m there with you in my heart. My body maybe thru the motions of the things I have to do here in Santa Barbara, but my thought and my spirit are never away from you. I�m walking alone on the beach and suddenly i�m toughing your golden hair. We lie back together on the sand and I feel your hand running up my belly to my chest. Your sweet breath on my lips, the time stops as it always does when we�re together. Tonight before I sleep I will swear as I have sworn every night since this seperation began, that it will never happen again. With all my love, dream of you. Cruz.

Another letter from Eden in Paris in 1989

Dear Cruz, Paris is a beautiful city, people always talk about how carefree life is here. I remember having so much fun before and I go back to the same wonderful places, but they seem different now. The whole city seems different to me now. All I can think about is Adriana. Beautiful, darling Adriana, in the few incredible days that we had together. I can still feel her warm little body cuddling next to mine, every moment we spent dressing her, feeding her, counting her fingers and toes is so vivid in my mind and it won�t fade away. We were a family Cruz, for one special moment we were a family and then it was all taken away. A few days after I got here I was walking along the Seine at sunset. The eveining sky was deep blue and I looked into the rose color water and for that one moment I felt a warm sence of peace, as if it was coming from Adriana�s spirit. Then it was gone. And as hard as I have tried to find that sence of peace again Cruz, I fear that it�s gone forever...

Cruz tries to write a letter to Eden: in 1989 while she�s in Paris

My darling Eden, I read your letter today. Against my better judgement and at the risk of causing you further pain, I wanna tell you what�s going on here. What was once the slightest glimmer of hope has become the expectation of a miracle . I believe Adriana is alive and that the possibility of tracing her down and bringing her back to you is a real one. I�ve been working with a psycic who has come up with some remarkable clues. We don�t know where the baby is yet but it seems likely she is living somewhere with fosterparents to whom she was sold by a nanny who was originally hired by Zack...

Michael�s letter to Julia in 1989

Dear Julia, I�m sorry to hear about your father. I have asked to be released from my vows. I don�t have to tell you what a painful decision that was. But since I�ve made it, I�m starting to feel excited about my future and I have you to thank. Your love for Mason and the way you fought for him and the face of terrible uncertainty is what gave me the courage to take my own risks. What ever my life becomes now I�ll owe it to you.

Letter to Tori Lane from the agency�s Wilma who stole Chip in 1988

Chip needs more than a part-time mother. I can love him fulltime. Don�t try to find us, if you do you�ll regret it.

Cruzes letter to Eden when she got out of the hospital after the boathouse explosion in 1988

My sleeping beauty, I didn�t have the heart to wake you up for a few minutes. Back soon. I love you, Cruz.

Eden�s letter that same day to Cruz

I�ll call if I�m not back for lunch. love (heart drawed) Eden.

Eden leaves a message on the machine for Cruz that same day in 1988

Hi honey, it�s me. I�m still at daddy�s. He�s not home yet, but I think i�m gonna wait for a while longer. Call me here when you get home. OK? Please don�t be mad but I have to see him, I have to talk to him. Anyhow I�ll be home as soon as i can, I miss you, Even an hour away from you. I love you...

The letter Scott sent to Celeste that she never got cause her father intercepted it

Dear Celeste, I miss you so much. I�ve called you alot but your dad says you�ve got a job. I guess you�re working really hard because you�re never there. Baltimore�s alrigh, it�s not Santa Barbara though. I really hate the way that we said goodbye. I never wanted to argue with you. I guess I didn�t handle it very well. I wanted to tell you as you�re the most important thing to me. You must know that. i�ve never stopped thinking about you. It got so bad I went to the dean and told them that I was leaving school if I couldn�t bring you back east and get married and keep my scholarship. So we came up with this great plan. I�m working in the sciencelab now and I�ve got my family appartment and married housing. So how quickly can you get here? We can find you a job and we can be together all the time...

Brandon�s letter to Gina in 1989

Dear mom, I know that Mason got shot because of me. I didn�t meen to cause all this trouble. I still think Keith left because of me too. Maybe if i wasn�t around you�d have better luck hanging on to a husband. I love you mom, but i�m going away. Brandon.

Pamela Conrad�s letter to Keith in 1987?

Dear Mr Timmons,
I can no longer withhold the evidence you seek with the gards to appearance of Hal Clark. Please contact me as soon as possibly to arrange a meeting for a mutual benefit. Sincerely, Pamela Conrad.

Tori Lanes letter to Cruz

Dear Cruz, I�m sorry of what I�ve done has caused eather you and Eden to worry. but you�ve left me no choice. You�re both determed to rob me of the most important thing in my life: and that�s my son. I couldn�t let that happen. I know you don�t consider me a fit mother, but that�s not really for you to decide. In my heart I know that I�m the only one who can give Chip to care and love he needs. I promise to let you know from time to time how Chip is but that�s the only contact I�ll allow you to have with him, someday maybe you�ll understand why i�d had to do this, I promise you he�s well and he is loved.

Megan�s letter to her son Greg in 1989 after he found out C.C. is his father

My dear son, I know you�re wrestling with alot of different feelings now. I�s do anything in the world to spare you some of them, but I can�t. I made a decision about my life when I was your age, it had and it�s having a profound effect on your life. I know it feels as if the grounds caved in underneath you, but I wanted to remind you of somethings that haven�t changed. When I was 17, my life took on a new direction because I had a focus, you. Raising you, loving you, letting you know you were the most important person in my life. Nothing you�ve learned tonight or that we�ve said changes what we have shared. I�m your mom and I love you. That�s a constant, no matter what decision you make.

Made Feb 25, 1998
Updated: Aug 26, 1999