Santa Barbara Wedding Vows

Kelly Capwell and Jeffrey Conrad

Priest:At this time Jeffrey and Kelly would like to say a few words of their own.
Kelly: We've said the words so many times I fear they'll some day become tarnished and loose its meaning. It's such a simple state "I love you", but its meaning is so tremendous, you have given myself Jeffrey, you have allowed me to be a complete person and I thank God to have found a man so warm and generous and loving. This is the beginning they say, but they say it's a beginning it means it has to have an end but ours is a love that will have no end. Everyday will be a new beginning and everyday I will love you a hundred times more. This I promise. This is my secret vow.
Jeffrey: We have worked so hard to get to this place, this special moment and we've been tested again and again and we have passed all those tests. I, I can't imagine living another day of my life without you, you've taught me how to be alive, and I feel that you and I, we're not just close, I feel that we are one and that we have been from the moment we met. You today, today just makes this official. I love you and will love you always.
Priest: The contract of marriage is most solin and is to be entered into thoughtfully and seriously and with a delibrisation of its obligations and responsibilities. Jeffrey, do you take this woman, Kelly to be your lawfully wedded wife?
Jeffrey: I do.
Priest: Kelly, do you take this man, Jeffrey to be your lawfully wedded husband?
Kelly: I do.
Priest: Do you each promise to love and comfort one another, to honor and keep another in sickness and in health, in prosperity and adversity and forsaking all others, be faithful to eachother as long as you both shall live?
Kelly and Jeffrey: We do.
Priest:The rings please. Jeffrey, place this ring on the ringfinger of Kelly's left hand and repeat after me. Kelly, with this ring, I thee wed.
Jeffrey:Kelly, with this ring, I thee wed.
Priest:Kelly, place this ring on the ringfinger of Jeffrey's left hand and repeat after me. Jeffrey, with this ring, I thee wed.
Kelly:Jeffrey, with this ring, I thee wed.
Priest:Join hands and repeat after me. I Jeffrey take thee Kelly to be my lawfully wedded wife.
Jeffrey:I Jeffrey take thee Kelly to be my lawfully wedded wife.
Priest:Kelly, repeat after me. I Kelly take thee Jeffrey to be my lawfully wedded husband.
Kelly: I Kelly take thee Jeffrey to be my lawfully wedded husband.
Priest:God of all love, bless this union and make it stays increase constantly in joy and satisfaction. For me pray all these things as me send Kelly and Jeffrey for upon their journey of life, to laugh for joy, to suffer pain if need be, to serve, to discover, to love one another always and forever. Amen. And now by the virtue of the authority invested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride.

Cruz Castillo and Eden Capwell

Minister:Cruz, Eden you may now make your promise.
Cruz to Eden:Where to begin? My darling, Eden my dear on and only true love. When I was a younger man I was scared to death of the idea of getting married. I wanna thank you for changing my mind about it. Not only will I love, honour and respect your vision of your own life to allow you to choose your own path. Pursue your own goals. I will remember always that you are an individual person and part of me second. But I will never take this marriage lightly. I will always be faithful to you. I`m gonna take real good care of that flame that brought us together. Keep a wide open space for that passion so that it may burn through all the time that we travel together. I will respect your need for privacy and will forgive and forget when the time arises. Keeping the past in the past greeting each new day with thankfullness, hopefull and purpose that we may be worthy of a long and happy life together. And most urgently of all I promise to do my very best to bring us the blessing of children. These things and what ever else you may need that I can in good faith provide, will be yours. This is my promise.
Eden to Cruz:Cruz you are the love of my life. My knight in shining armor. I will love, honour and cherish you as long as we live. I will always try to be the woman you love so earnestly. I will respect you until the end of time. And I will give you the freedom to be yourself. When we have problems we`ll solve the problems together. I know the importance of communication and compromise. And I will always endeavour all problems head on. We will be our own best friends and our own best council. I will share with you my fears and my hopes and dreams. I will keep nothing from you and expect the same. I will always appreciate you and I will always love you with all my heart. I will respect your decisions and support your feelings. My goal will always be to understand you never to change you. When we are blessed with children, I will love them as much as you but never more. This is my promise.
Minister:May I have the rings please? Having considered alone and together this marriage I now ask you Eden, do you take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband?
Eden:I do.
Minister:I ask you Cruz, do you take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife?
Cruz:I do.
Minister to Eden:Then Eden, as you place this ring on Cruzes finger repeat after me. With this ring I thee wed and join my life to yours.
Eden:With this ring I thee wed and join my life to yours.
Minister to Cruz:Now Cruz, as you place this ring on Eden`s finger repeat after me. With this ring I thee wed and join my life to yours.
Cruz:With this ring I thee wed and join my life to yours.
Minister:May these rings stand as a sign to you of your desire to live, to love, to create, to build in your lives and in the lives of those who touch that ideal of perfection which is humanity. In the presence of god and by the vertue of the authority vested in me I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride.
Cruz:Thank you.

Gina Blake DeMott Capwell Capwell and Keith Timmons

Father Michael:Do you have words to share before you exchange your vows?
Gina:Yes. If you must love me, then love me for love not for love sake only, do not say I love you for a smile or look, or a way of speaking to (starts to laugh) oh it4s just I mean, this it4s silly, it really is I wanted to reside a poem to Keith on our wedding day but, but somehow I don4t think there4s a poem that4s ever been written to fit us, Imean, I4m, I4m really glad kind of glad about that. What I do wanna say though, is that I4ve spent a good part of my life looking for love, chasing after it, thinking I4ve found it and finding out that it was never returned. But then I wake up in the morning and I4m with you, I feel wonderful it4s, I don4t know quite how to explain it4s just I feel strange warm inside and it took me awhile to figure it out that it4s because of you, because I know that there4s someone else in this world that really does love me and I want you to know how much I appreciate that and how much it means to me even though I never know what kind of a day we4re gonna have together. I know that when I go to bed at night that you4re gonna still love me and that I4m still gonna love you and I just wish that everybody else in the whole world could find the happiness Keith and I4ve found. I love you and I4m so proud that I4m gonna be you4re wife.
Keith:You know I4m glad that you didn4t finish that poem because the only poem I know involves a young sailor from Dover, there was a young sailor from Dover, do you know it? Oh, I don4t know how I ended up here, I, I suppose that I, you know my life was going along pretty good in a clip and and things were just fine, nothing momentos, then all of a sudden BAM!! You showed up and it was, I didn4t figure out what happened and I, you were a challenge and I like that and I, I suppose in my own lifetime I4ll never figure out how you think (laughs), I like that too and after a period of denial I, I couldn4t deny it anymore, I was in love and I4m in love and I love being in love and I think I4m gonna love being married to you.
Father Michael: You both spoke of love, I hope you will always remember what love is. Love is patient and kind, love is not jealous or pothsfull, it4s not arrogant or rude, does4t insist it4s own way, it4s not irrotable or recentfull, it doesn4t rejoys of wrongs but rejoyes in the rights, love bairs all things, belives all things, hopes all things, endures all things, love never ends. Will all of you witnessing these promises do all of you power to uphold these people to people in their marriage?
All guests:We will
Father Michael:Who gives this woman to be married to this man?
Brandon: I do (he stands up)
Father Michael:Keith and Gina, since you intend to enter into marriage, join your right hands together and declare your concent to god and his church.
Keith:I Keith take thee Gina, to be my wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer for pourer (laughs), in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish til death do us part.
Gina:I Gina take thee Keith, marriage to have and to hold for sickness and in health (Keith helps), richness and pourness oh, to love and to cherish, in richness and hell
Keith:Til death do us part(helps Gina)
Gina:Yes, death do us part.
Keith:Yeah right.
Father Michael:The rings please. (Brandon hands then over to Michael) Thank you. Father, bless these rings and grant that they who wear them may abide in faithfull love and continue by favor forever.
Keith:As a token of our faith and abiding love with this ring I thee wed.
Gina:In token and pledge of our biding love and constant faith, with this ring I thee wed. (both laugh)
Father Michael:For as much as Keith and Gina have consented together in holy wedlock and declared the same by joining of hands and giving and receving of rings. I now pronounce you man and wife. Those whom god have joined together, let no man put asunder. You may kiss the bride.

Gina Blake DeMott and Mason Capwell


Gina: Go.
Priest:Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to unite..
Gina:Could you get to the clich?
(Julia runs in with Samantha in her arms and screams no! Augusta takes Samantha outside leaving Julia to stand there)
Priest:I�ll just hit the high parts what do you say? Join this man and woman in holy matrimony and aah oh I anybody can show just cause why these two people should not be joined...
(the guests all shout I do but are ignored)
Priest:Gina, do you take this man..
Gina: Yes I do and he takes me. To have and to hold, in love and honor, cherish and etc.etc. I�ve practically have the whole ceremony memorized, I�ve repeted it so many times. go head say I do... (to Mason/Sonny)
Priest:I will
Gina:Not you!
Priest:I was just telling him the proper responce.
Gina:Him!! He knows it, he does. All the above.
Priest:I know pronounce you man and wife.
(Bunny the runs to stop Mason from being shot but he is hit anyway)

The card

The Honor of your presence, requested at the nuptials of Gina Blake Timmons and Mason Lamont Capwell on Friday February 17, 1989, at 1 p.m. in St. Anthony Chapel.

Julia Wainwright and Mason Capwell

Julia walks down the aisle. Everyone stands up. Julia reaches the altar.
Minister:Please be seated.

Minister: You who love Mason and Julia are here today to witness their act of faith and love by which they join their fortune and future. I use the word fortune evasively, in its old fashioned sense. None of us knows what chance may bring into our life. Yet by the words they are about to speak Mason and Julia will defy both inwinds and farewinds and pledge their devotion to each other, their daughter and to such other children God may grant them. Their life is not yet and never will be lived that is, that is without tragedy and unforseen obstacles-anger, harsh words and great great blessings. Yet the love between this man and woman has given them the power to say happiness, foregiveness and peace are not only possible in this life but are infact there together and it should be a humbling humbling example for all of us cause for great great joy. My role here is as yours simply to witness and bless the difficult but time assuming they will come to forge in our presence today in their own words. May I have the rings.

Minister: Mason you may now speak your vows to your Julia and place the ring on her finger.

Mason: Milk, butter, ground beef... these I pledge you for the rest of my days.
It'll come to me
Julia: Mason, wing it.
Mason: Why don't you start?
Julia: And then what? Put the ring on my finger.
Mason: I have to say the vows first.
Julia: Then vow something.
Mason: I vow that I will forever come home at a decent hour. And certainly other women are out of the question
Julia: Okay, okay, I vow to you the same thing too.
Mason: And I vow never to floss in the bedroom. She says it sounds like uh somebody playing the harp.And money. I promise that I will always provide for you and Samantha.
Julia : I thought we were going to leave things like that out.
Mason: Well, incase you break your leg or get disbarred or something.
Julia: oh, oh okay, I vow to provide that for you too.
Mason: umm what, what id'd like to know is uh what if you change your mind.
Julia: Me? You promise me butter and ground beef and ask if im going to change my mind? Im still here aren't I?
Mason: uh good coz I umm don't know if I could handle that. I uh I do... swear before everybody that I really do want this. I dont know whats come over me, its like a demon or something but I think I might die uh if i dont get old and fat and weed your gardenI mean I worked so hard to be good enough for you.
Julia: You are good enough for me. You always have been good enough for me. Its not your fault I didn't know it. I promise never to do that to you again. I swear.
Mason: What about if I come home late? Very late?
Julia: thats okay.
Mason: with lipstick on my collar?
Julia: That's not.
Mason: Just checking
Julia: Will you please vow to love me forever? So everybody can hear.
Mason: is that all? Well, I promise to love her forever. I do.
Minister: no, no,no,no. That part is coming. "I do".
Mason: Is that enough?
Julia: Yes thats enough. the rest we can work out, thats if you really meant it.
Mason: oh, oh I meant it. I vow that I meant it.
Julia: And I vow to love you forever. I vow to try to understand you rather than judge you and I ask your forgiveness for all the times that I've failed you and all the times that I will fail you.
Mason: And I vow that failure is not sufficient cause to render these vows null and void.
Minister: Well, thats probably enough for the vows. Thats enough. Will you please exchange rings. Julia do you take this man to be your husband in accordance with the vows you have just spoken?
Julia: I do.
Minister: And Mason, do you take this woman to be your bride in accordance with the vows you have just spoken?
Mason: I do.
Minister: Then in sight of these witnesses and in accordance with the power vested in me by Almighty God and man i now happily pronounce you man and wife.
Julia: Father, he was a man when he walked in here.
Minister: man and woman
Julia: husband and....
Minister: husband and woman Husband and wife.
Julia: Thank you.
Minister: Now my children, may you go in peace and may the lord's peace always be with you and I mean it.
Mason: We did it!!!!
Julia: Honey you forgot to kiss me.

Julia: screams.

Transcribed by TS

Julia Wainwright and Mason Capwell wedding nr. 2 in 1992


Made December 17, 1997
Updated: October 20, 2000
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