Played by:
Chip Mayer
Spouse(s) and Children:
no children
Promotes different things. For Example, promoting Ted`s winery or getting Jake a role in Mel Stock`s B-class movie.
Ex-ski instructor. Was engaged to Laken Lockridge but they broke up because he couldn`t keep with one girl. Came to Santa Barbara to get Laken back and is now living with Laken and Ted in the Capwell`s guesthouse after he saved Laken`s life (in a car accident) and he broke his hands. Used to sleep in his wan(car). Had an affair first with Sophia (which resulted in divorce between CC and Sophia) then an affair with Kelly Capwell Conrad from which he never got over. He has now turned into a jerk and evil person. He knocked out Jeffrey while he wanted to get out from the plan to hurt Kelly. Jeffrey ended up in a coma and then paralysed and into his own world while TJ is telling Jeffrey to never recover. He is dating Buffy McIntyre with whom he can access the Capwell places cause Buffy is a rich girl who�s father is important friend to CC. Kelly is very afraid of him and everyone is telling him to stay away from Kelly and all the Capwell�s. He is also a suspect in the rape cases. He had just been thrown out from the Capwell mascerade party (came before there with Buffy) and he wasn�t at the party when Andrea was killed at the beach. TJ was dressed as an executioner.

Actor/Actress Bio

about 43 years
New York
Teri Copley (divorced)
Eileen Davidson (divorced)
Ashley (about 14 years)
TV/Film Credits:
Filmography from IMDb
He was born and raised in New York as the oldest of 7 children. He went to Colgate University and got a degree in business. After graduation he took a suit-and-tie job in a downtown Manhattan office building. He began studing acting in his spare time. He had to chose between his work and acting and he chosed acting. Along the way he met and married actress Teri Copley. His big brake came when there was a contract dispute on the on the television series "The Dukes of Hazard". He did 20 episodes before the dispute ended. His wife was 3 mounths pregnant at that time. He played Pete Bozack in the shortlived nighttime soap "Glitter". Chip originally tested for the part of Scott Clark, but the producers didn`t see him as a doctor. 2 weeks later he got a call to come in and read as TJ. Chip has also been married to actress Eileen Davidson. Last he was engaged to actress Shauna Sullivan. Was last seen on the movie Liar Liar where he played Kenneth Falk, the leading role was played by Jim Carrey.

Updated: Jun 27, 1998
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